Monday, March 21

UPDATE: I know what productivity is!
11:03 AM

UPDATE: I know what productivity is!

I thought I would give an update of progress as a mean of keeping myself in check and getting into the routine of habits I am trying to form, so that when I actually tell myself go soon that it will be "GO!" and not "GO! But then get sidetracked by all these other things that don't make you want to the thing in the first place anymore!".

-Secret/Not-so-secret project is going great. I have a back catalog of things and ideas that I can't wait to just explode with soon.

-Book blog is having a bit of a hiccup in my head, but I am focused and determined, so hopefully that hiccup is a speed bump that I can over come!

-I've been getting inspired hardcore lately by three things: 1) Michael Buckley's new personal vlogs that are chronicling his journey through trying to find balance in things and just going through this amazing adventure that is really inspiring to see and relate to; 2) WheezyWaiter, Craig Benzine, kind of same journey but different. His is more akin to what I want to accomplish: decluttering, weight-loss, personal goals that align to what he wants, etc. It's really awesome to see his new format and see him try to find his new niche and open himself to a lot of things. He's also one of my favorite YouTubers! (I've been watching him FOREVER!); and 3) these hella awesome self-help but not self-help books that are really inspiring and beautiful and real confidence boosters. The main ones that I'm hard core digging are: The Soul of an Octopus, YOU are a Badass, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, and Bad Feminist (You can find these on the Amazons or the iBooks or the Bookstores! GO FIND BOOKS!). They are making me think and while I've always read books like this before it's different now. Maybe because I feel more determined to be taking care of myself in ways I've never had before to help my mental state or it's because I am now at that akward mid-20s stage of life where I just want to piece all these awesome pieces I got going on and put them together. It might be both, but that's what my secret project and my other things I'm doing are going to help me figure it out!

-Also I had a birthday so there's that. I'm old! Woo!

There! You have been updated! I can't wait to dive into my new ventures and I can't wait to show you them! Until then my dear friends!