Saturday, January 28

#52ListsProject Winter- List Three
10:19 PM

#52ListsProject Winter- List Three

This is the list I'm the most proud of so far!

The list:
-Moving to Michigan
-Meeting Neil
-Career Advancement
-Learning to manage my anxiety more
-My sister’s wedding
-Becoming independent
-Being happy with myself finally
-Knowing what I want in life finally

I love this list. Have I said that yet? Because I love this list!

This is a list that I never thought I would ever have created in my life. I’ve dealt with so many different things that put me in such a terrible fog that I forget ALL THE TIME what I am truly grateful for and what I have accomplished in my short lifespan thus far.

I have had people that told me I would be stuck in Longview (home) for various unkind reasons. I settled the thought at age 12 that I would never find a partner that would take me and my baggage and that I would be content living by myself forever. I thought I would never get out of my great depression that I sank into after high school. I thought I could never be happy because I didn’t deserve it.

This list confirms the opposite. This list makes me happy and realize I have come so far with my little personal battles that I am okay if it all goes away because at one point in time I would have known that it happened and it was great. 

But I now know that I am better than all those negative things that I stated above. I have taken myself out of the fog that was burdening me, and have strived for better things. Will there be more challenges ahead of me, hell yes, but I know how to deal with them better and the right way of doing that.